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True Grit Pointing Labs

10200 N Westminster Rd


Jones, OK 73049

GMPR True Grits Riley MH

Riley was bred to GRHRCH 4xGMPR Splendid Splinter of Bkazing Red MH. (Teddy) was chosen for his staunch point and proven abilities in all venues as well in the field. Teddy throws a tremendous amount of point. Riley is a outstanding waterfowl dog as well as a great upland dog. She was steady to shot before ever being taught the word whoa! These puppies will have a lot of point. Riley had 7 puppies. Six males and one female on 11/22/20. At this time  have one yellow male available. Price is $1500. $200 deposit will hold your puppy until pick up. They come with the True Grit guarantee. Teddys information and pedigree can be found on Cooperstown Kennels website.