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Contact Details
True Grit Pointing Labs
10200 N Westminster Rd
Jones, OK 73049
GMPR Dukes True Grit SH
Duke is a once in a lifetime dog. He is first and foremost a great hunting dog. I hunt him on pheasants, quail, duck and geese every year. You can hunt him all day and he never slows down. He is an incredible all out dog. Duke has been blessed with a natural high tail staunch point just like his father GMPR Grits of Black Forest SH. Duke loves to train and he is fun to watch, as he simply cannot get enough. In addition to his hunting abilities, Duke is a great family dog. He is a pleasure to have in the house and he loves attention.
David Mork of Sauk River Pointing Labradors completed Dukes early training and he fell in love with him. David told me from the start that Duke was something special. When David decided to take some time off from testing, Duke moved to Julie Knutson’s Gunclub Labradors in Colorado. Julie finished his training and brought out the best of his skills.
I have run Duke in Bird Dog Challenge (BDC) and National Upland Classic Series (NUCS) upland tournaments and have done quite well. My shooting ability has always held Duke back. Duke has also competed in dock jumping events and timed retrieve games. He is just a great all around athlete.
Duke passes on these wonderful traits to his offspring. Duke has bred females from some of the biggest name pointing lab kennels in the business. Both of Dukes trainers have recommended him as a sire. Duke is yellow factored and weighs 78 lbs. He has OFA good hips and normal elbows; he has a current eye CERF, is CNM and PRA clear, and is also EIC clear
I'm sorry to say that Duke Passed away March 7th 2016. Duke passed away at home peacefully. He was the best dog I have ever had and will be greatly missed. I have many great memories of him that will live on with me forever. I am thankful to have owned him and have had the privelegde to hunt behind him.